Ruislip Gardens Primary School

Curriculum at Ruislip Gardens Primary School

Cornerstones Curriculum

Ruislip Gardens Primary School is using the Cornerstones Maestro 22 Curriculum to deliver a high quality sequenced curriculum covering science, history, geography, art and DT. The curriculum map ensures suitable progression in knowledge and skills across our mixed age classes. For English, links will be made where appropriate; with Cornerstones topics and high quality texts will be used to drive the learning. For Maths, we use the Planpanion scheme of work – this is adapted and tailored to meet the needs of our children and ensure cross-curricular links are made where appropriate. For all other subjects, teachers plan bespoke, engaging lessons to ensure all children access a broad curriculum. For further information, please look at the individual subject overviews.




The ‘Cornerstones Curriculum’ is based on inspirational learning activities which take place in a classroom environment that allows children to learn in a way that motivates and interests them.
Cornerstones will provide our children with challenge, giving them opportunities to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.



Engage- At the ‘Engage’ stage, children:

  • Gain memorable first-hand experiences, such as going on a visit or inviting a special visitor into school
  • Get an exciting introduction to the projects
  • Begin researching and setting enquiry questions
  • Get lots of opportunities to make observations
  • Develop spoken language skills
  • Take part in sensory activities
  • Have lots of fun to fully engage with their new project


Develop-At the ‘Develop’ stage, children:

  • Improve their knowledge and understanding of the topic
  • Develop and practise their new skills
  • Compose, make, do, build, investigate, explore, write for different purposes and read across the curriculum
  • Research their own questions and those set by others
  • Follow new pathways of enquiry based on their interests. 


Innovate- At the ‘Innovate’ stage, children:

  • Apply skills, knowledge and understanding in real-life contexts
  • Solve real or imagined problems using everything they’ve learnt
  • Get inspired by imaginative and creative opportunities
  • Revisit anything not fully grasped at the ‘Develop’ stage.


Express- At the ‘Express’ stage, children:

  • Become the performers, experts and informers
  • Share their achievements with parents, classmates and the community
  • Evaluate finished products and processes
  • Link what they have learnt to where they started
  • Celebrate their achievements!

If you would like to find out more about the Cornerstones Curriculum, please visit their website
If you have any other questions about our curriculum, please contact the school office.


Curriculum Subjects


Early Years Foundation Curriculum (EYFS)

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)






Cornerstones Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Definitions

 Subject Overviews

Mixed Subject Overviews

Art Overview

Computing Overview

DT OverviewGeography Overview

History Overview

Music Overview

PE Overview

PSHE Overview

RE Overview

Science Overview

Spanish Overview


